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College Algebra in Context 5th Edition Chapter 2 Extended Applications

  • Overview
  • Faculty
  • Research
  • Program
  • Placements
  • Achievements
  • Clubs & Chapters
  • MoU

Electronics & Communication Engineering Department

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering offers:

  • Undergraduate Program with an intake of 180 students.
  • Postgraduate Program in VLSI Design & Embedded Systems with an intake of 18 students.

The Department has highly qualified and experienced faculty. The Curricula is designed with focus on the fundamentals enabling the students to undergo Experiential, Interactive, Collaborative, Computer based and Active learning to prepare them to be independent Life-long learners.

The Department is equipped with state-of-the art laboratory facilities in the areas of Communication, Embedded Systems, Power Electronics, Signal Processing, VLSI Designand Automotive Electronics to equip students to be industry ready. The Department showcases a Center of Excellence funded by Texas Instruments, in association with STEPS Knowledge Services Pvt. Ltd., authorized Partner for Texas Instruments University Program in the thrust areas of Embedded Systems, IoT and Robotics. The Department is recognized as a Nodal center for Virtual Laboratory by MHRD.The Department has collaborated with ISSS in the MEMS Community chip activity and our students have involved in IC fabrication. Student forums like IEEE, ISTE and IEI chapters, Robotics, Aero, IoT, Medical Electronics and Embedded Systems clubs provide opportunities for students to develop technical and soft skills. The Department also has active MoUs with Industries, Universities and Government Organizations. Graduates from the department are placed in major industries, civil services and multinational corporations.

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Empowering people, Partnering in community development and achieving expertise in the field of Electronics and Communication.


To impart effective knowledge of state of the art technology in the field of Electronics and Communication that contributes to the socio-economic development and to generate technical manpower with high degree of credibility, integrity and ethical standards by providing vibrant learning environment.

  • The graduate should have effective foundation in mathematics, science as well as other relevant disciplines and a strong foundation in Electronics and Communication Engineering.
  • The graduate will inculcate effective communication skills, teamwork, lifelong learning and leadership in preparation for a successful career in industry and academia with credibility, integrity and ethics.
  • The graduate will be able to design and develop innovative system that contribute to socio-economic development.

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

  • PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • P04: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis, and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and the need for sustainable development.
  • PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • P09: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO10:Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

The student should be able to:

  • Understand the concepts and applications in the field of communication, signal processing, VLSI, embedded systems, power electronics and control systems.

Effectively apply the domain knowledge to arrive at optimum solutions to real time applications. Apply acquired skills in project management and execution to Electronics and Communication systems.

  • Final Year
  • Third Year

Duration : 4 years (8 Semesters)

Intake : 180 Students



The department has well-equipped state of the art Laboratories

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The department has well-equipped state of the art Laboratories which includes:

Laboratory Floor Area (in sq.m)
Analog Electronics Laboratory 62.42
ARM Laboratory 79.67
Communication & Microwave Laboratory 176.09
Digital Electronics Laboratory 74.5
Digital Signal Processing Laboratory 65.92
HDL/ Microcontroller Laboratory 78.98
Power Electronics Laboratory 71.23
Project Laboratory -1 65.07
Project Laboratory -2 71.76
Project Laboratory -3 80.00
VLSI Laboratory 88.33

Research Laboratories

Laboratory Floor Area (in sq.m)
PG and Research Laboratory 112.00
Texas Instrument Laboratory 93.21

Major Equipment

AFO & Function Generator, ARM Kit, Auto Transformer

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Sl.No. Name of the Item
1 AFO & Function Generator
2 Arbitrary Function Generator
3 ARM Kit
4 Ahuja Portable PA System
5 Auto Transformer
6 Basic Trainer Kit
7 Bench Grinder Lence
8 Calibrator
9 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
10 Cadence VLSI Software
11 Communication Trainer kit
12 Computer
13 Computer Evaluation Kit
14 Compact disk
15 DCB
16 DRB
17 DIB
18 Digital Multimeter
19 Drilling Machine
20 DSP Kit
21 D-Link Switch 1210-52
22 Digital Storage Oscilloscope
23 Embedded system development tool
24 Fibercom Kit
25 Fiber Optic Cable
26 Fiber Optics Interfacing Module
27 IBM Power supply
28 IBM Server
29 IC Tester
30 IC Trainer
31 Image Developer Kit
32 Interfaces
33 Isolation Transformer
34 Klystron Power Supply
35 Laptop
36 LCD Projector
37 LCR Q Meter
38 Logic Analyzer
39 Matlab Version R 2016 b Software
40 Matlab Base A, and Tool Box
41 Microprocessor Kit/Microcontroller kit
42 Microprocessor Power Supply
43 Microstrip Trainer set
44 Microwave Signal Generator
45 Microstrip Trainer Accessories & Cables
46 Microwave bench Gunn based
47 Microwave bench klystron based
48 Microwave Power Meter
49 Microwave Equipments/ Accessories
50 Module (Power Electronics)
51 Motor
52 Multimeter
53 NI myDAQ and my RIO student kit with LABVIEW and multisim
54 Optical power Meter
55 Port Hub
56 Power Scope
57 Power supply ( +/-5V)
58 Power Supply (+/-12V)
59 Power Supply (+/-15V)
60 Power Supply ( 0-30V)
61 Power Supply (0-300V)
62 Printer
63 PCB Prototyping Machine
64 Colour Printer, Scanner& Copier
65 Rheostat
66 Raspberry Pi kit set
67 Scanar
68 Solar Panal
70 Soldering Station
71 Stabilizer
72 Standing Wave Indicator (VSWR Meter)
73 Spectrum Analyser without Tracking Generator
75 Tablet PC
75 Tacho Meter (Digital)
76 Treadle Shearing machine
77 Universal Motor
78 Universal Programmer
79 Unified Technology Leaning Platform Kit
80 UPS
81 VLSI Design Tools & Software
82 Volt Meter
83 Nikon D5300 Camera
84 WDM Trainer kit
85 Wireless USB adaptor -300
86 Hard Disk Drive (500 GB)

Computers and Software

To cater to the needs of teaching learning process, the department consists of

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Adjunct Faculty

  • Duration - 4 years
  • Semester - 08
  • Intake - 180 Students
  • Postgraduate Program in VLSI Design & Embedded Systems with an intake of 18 students.

The Department is recognized as:

The active areas of research in the department are:

  • Research Centre by V.T.U. and offers part time and full time Ph.D. Programs.
  • Research Supervisor (Click here)

Students Placed

Item 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018
Total No. of Final Year Students 209 179 198 196
No. of students placed in companies or Government Sector(Unique) 131 119 132 156
Core Companies 41 16 34 31
No. of students opted for higher studies with valid qualifying scores/ranks (y) -- 10 30 16
Off-Campus Selections -- 12 12 10

The Students of the Department are actively involved in ISTE Student Chapter. Talks, Industrial Visits and Technical Quizzes are held under this Chapter.

ISTE Student Chapter (ECE) Activities

Sl.No. Type of Event Details Date
1 Technical Quiz Q-Factor 5.0 28 August 2021
2 Technical Quiz Q-Factor 4.0 21 February 2020
3 Non Technical Talk "Career in Indian Navy" by Lt. Joylan Pinto 4 January 2020
4 Technical Quiz Q-Factor 3.0 3 April 2019
5 Industrial Visit Advanced Electronics Systems Eltel Industries, HAL museum 7–8 March 2019
6 Non Technical Talk Motivational Drive on Career in Indian Navy by Lt. Joylan Pinto 22 September 2018
7 Industrial Visit Digital Circuits, Vishveshwaraya Technological Museum, IISc Bangalore 9–10 March 2018
8 Industrial Visit PC Process, Digital Circuits, Indian Meteorological Department 2-3 March 2018
9 Technical Quiz Q-Factor 2.0 31 January 2018
10 Coding Event Code - Race 22 February 2017
11 Industrial Visit Eltel Industries, Digital Circuits, Indian Meteorological Department 10–11 February 2017
12 Technical Quiz Q-Factor 27 February 2016
13 Technical Quiz Automotive Electronics 10 February 2016

The department has an active IEI chapter under which Technical talks and Industrial Visits are often held.

Events under IEI Chapter (ECE) from 2015-2020

Sl.No. Date Event
1 13 March 2021 Quiz competition
2 4 November 2020 Pedagogy and Development of DSP
3 26 October 2020 Battle of Minds
4 8 February 2020 Quiz Buzz'20
5 20 February 2020 ISRO Master Control Facility, Hassan, Karnataka
6 25 September 2019 A talk on "Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning and its Applications", by Mr. Uday P, Platform Architect, ANZ Operations and Technology, end-to-end design on ML applications, Bengaluru
7 11 September 2019 Technical treasure hunt competition, with technical topics like C, C++ programming, International Morse code, and few phrases in English
8 10-15 Janurary 2019 Intra-branch technical and general quiz competition for IEI students of 4th, 6th and 8th semester E&C, QUIZ-2019
9 14 January 2019 All India Radio: Mysuru.AIR Mysuru Studio & FM Transmitter section visit
10 14 January 2019 Larsen & Toubro Limited, Production division of Energy meters: Home & Industries
11 29 September 2018 All India Radio, (Akashavani) Mangalore
12 22 September 2018 A talk on "ETHERNET IN CARS", by Mr. Oswald Sunil Mendonca, Senior Architect, NXP Semiconductors, Bengaluru
13 3 March 2018 Intra college Paper presentation –IEINITTE-17-Theme "Role of Engineers Towards Skill India Mission"
14 25 October 2017 Technical Talk on "Micro Electrical and Mechanical Systems (MEMS) – MEMS sensor in Aerospace and it's spin-offs" by Prof. M. ManjunathaNayak
15 08 October 2017 Technical Talk on "Electronic Circuit Debugging and Problem Solving, An approach of changing Indian education system" by Mr. Basti Bharat Shenoy
16 07 October 2017 Industrial visit to Indian Telephone Industries Limited, Palakkad, Kerala
17 18 February 2017 Industrial visit to KELTRON CONTROLS, Kochi, Kerala
18 21 October 2016 Technical Talk on "V2X Communication & Safety", by Mr. Oswald Mendonca, Senior Architect, NXP Semiconductor Bengaluru
19 25 September 2016 05 October 2016 Intra Branch general Quiz competition –"UNLOCK"
20 05 March 2016 Intra college Paper presentation –IEINITTE-16
21 13 February 2016 Industrial visit to Varahi Power Plant
22 11 February 2016 Entrepreneurship awareness camp
23 18 March 2015 Talk on "Basics of Control System" by Prof.Suryanarayana K, Assistant professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engg, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte
24 21 January 2015 Entrepreneurship awareness camp

IEEE Student Chapter activities

Sl.No. Date Name of activity Name of Resourse Person Duration No. of attendees-IEEE and Non-IEEE >Outcome and Feedback
1 16 May 2020 IEEE Technical Talk on Content Relaying: A Special Use Case Of D2D Communication Dr. Jagadeesh R. Bhat ,Associated Professor (ECE) & IEEE SAC Chair, SJEC, Vamanjoor. 2 hrs. 24 Technical
2 15 May 2020 IEEE Technical Talk on Nanophotonic Sensors: Challenges & Opportunities Dr.Mandeep Singh Assistant Professor, ECE Department, NITK Surathkal. 2 hrs. 25 Technical
3 28 April 2020 IEEE SIGHT DAY, Technical Talk on Basic Needs, Projects , Challenges And Sustainability Issues Dr. K.V.S.S.S.S.Sairam Professor (E&C), IEEE Student Branch Counselor 1 hr 32 Technical
4 25 April 2020 Technical Quiz Dr.K.V.S.S.S.S.Sairam Professor (E&C), IEEE Student Branch Counselor, NMAMIT, Nitte. 1 hr 27 Technical
5 3 March 2020 to 7/3/2020 Seminar Week Mr. M. Raghavendra Bhat, General Manager, CloudE, Mysuru & experts from esteemed institutions in the specific domain. 4 days 25 & 40 Technical
6 29 January 2020 AGM 2020 Dr.Niranjan.N.Chiplunkar Principal & IEEE Student Branch Chairman, NMAMIT, Nitte. 1 hr 20 Administrative
7 8 January 2019 AGM 2019 Dr. Niranjan N Chiplunkar 2 hrs. 30 & 25 Administrative
8 29 January 2019 EXECOM Meeting Dr. K.V.S.S.S.S.Sairam 2 hrs. 30 & 25 Administrative
9 20 March 2109 Technical Quiz Dr. K.V.S.S.S.S.Sairam 3 hrs. 25 Technical
10 23 April 2019 Technical talk on Smart Service Systems Dr. Vittal Prabhu 2 hrs. 30 & 45 Technical
11 27 April 2019 NS-3 Dr. Mohit P Tahiliani 4 hrs. 24 Workshop
12 11 May 2019 I2CONECT 2019 Dr. Niranjan N Chiplunkar 1 day 12 & 10 Project Exhibition
13 21 August 2019 IEEE Membership Drive Awareness programme NITK IEEE Student Branch 3 hrs. 30 & 60 Administrative
14 9 October 2019 IEEE DAY and Distinguishe d Lectures Dr. T Srinivas , Dr. Bhopal Hegde , Dr. Mandeep Singh and Dr Sandeep Kumar 1 day 25 & 25 Administrative
15 23 October 2019 IEEE SIGHT Inauguration and Technical Talk Mr. Abhishek Appaji 4 hrs. 30 & 70 Technical
16 1 December 2018 to 2/12/2018 ICCCS 2018 Gurgaon, Delhi 4 Papers Presented In the conference Under Optical Network Survivability. Seesion Chair Dr.K.V.S.S.S.S.Sairam Professor Dept. of Electronics and Communication NMAM Institute of Technology Half a day 100 Technical
17 6 October 2018 Invited Talk on "Recent trends in Optical networks and Photonics" at NIE Mysore Dr.K.V.S.S.S.S.Sairam Professor Dept. of Electronics and Communication NMAM Institute of Technology Half a day 100 Technical
18 29 August 2018 Teaching and Learning Communication Engineering Concepts Using Simulink and SDR in Samabhavi Seminar Dr.Prashantha Kumar H Assistant Professor Dept. of Electronics and Communication NITK Suratkal 1 Day 100 Technical
19 11 November 2018 "Research Avenues in Ritsumeikan University" in Shambavi Seminar Hall Dr.Takeshi Kumaki, Professor Dept. of Electronic and Computer Engineering Ritsumeikan University Half Day 100 Technical
20 07 September 2018 IEEE Student Branch Meeting Digital Electronics Communication Lab Dr.Niranjan N Chiplunkar, Principal and IEEE Members were present. 2 hrs 60 Administrative
21 25 July 2018 to 28/07/2018 Open Invited Talk on "Recent trends in Optical networks" at IISc Bangalore Dr.K.V.S.S.S.S.Sairam Professor Dept. of Electronics and Communication NMAM Institute of Technology 4 Days 100 Technical
22 03 February 2018 IEEE AGM 2018 Meeting in Sambharam Seminar Hall. Dr.Niranjan N Chiplunkar, Chairman IEEE Mangalore Sub-Section and all the IEEE Execom Mangalore Sub-Section were present. 1 Day 60 Administrative
23 02 February 2018 Techical Talk on "Recent Trends in Image Processing" in Sowparnika Seminar Hall Dr. Jharna Majumdhar Dean(R&D) NMIT,Bangalore 1 Day 60 Technical
24 02 January to 06 January 2018 A Five days FDP on Machine Learning & Its Applications In Engineering And Technology in Shambhavi Seminar Hall Dr U. C. Niranjan,Director Research and Training ,MDN Pvt Ltd,Manipal delivered the keynote address and the invited dignitaries delivered the technical lectures in their research areas. 5 Days 200 Technical

The following events are organized in the department by ELECSA.

Details Conducted on No. of Participants Outstanding Participants/Resource Person
ELECSA organized a technical presentation on "Project Lab Concepts" 24 August 2016 200 Mr. Sunil T. Shabhatnavar, General Manager
Advanced Electronic Systems(ALS)
ELECSA organized a technical talk on "Transistor Modeling and Analysis" 26 August 2016 50 Laxmeesha S
Pursuing Ph.D
IIT, Madras
ELECSA organized a workshop on "PCB Design and Soldering Practice" was conducted exclusively for the branch students and staff 2 October 2016 - 6 November 2016 221 Mr. Ansal V., Ph.d Scholar Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
ELECSA organized a technical talk on "ISSS Activities and Introduction to MEMS" 21 January 2016 300 Dr. Veda Sandeepa Nagaraj
Associate Professor Dept. of E&C Engg.
NMIT, Bengaluru
ELECSA organized a technical talk on "Research Scope in Thin Films" 21 January 2017 300 Mr. Rachit S. Assistant Professor
Dept. of E&C Engg. NMIT, Bengaluru
ELECSA organized a technical talk on " Unmanned Aerial Vehicles" 23 January 2017 200 Dr. Pruthviraj Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Applied NMechanics, NITK, Surathkal
Dept. of E&C Engg., organized Technical Sessions under the Extension Lecture Programme of Indian Institute of Science (IISc) on the topic "Embedded System" & "Image Processing Applications" 23 February 2017 200 Dr. G. N. Rathna, Principal Research Scientist,
Dept. of E.E., IISc. Bengaluru
Technical Talk on "Evolution of VLSI: Past, Present & Future" 29 March 2017 45 Dr. Krishna Shenai, Director R&D, NMAMIT
Project Club - A Mini Project Exhibition/Competition for the students of 2nd and 3rd year 12 April 2017 356 Mini projects for 2nd year and 3rd year
A Technical Talk on "Mathematical Transforms and their Applications" was arranged from 2.30 - 4.00PM at Sambhram Auditorium especially for 3rd semester Students. 29 August 2017 65 Dr. S. N. Iyer (Adjunct Professor NMAMIT Nitte)
A Technical Talk by who is currently pursuing Ph.D. as research Scholar at Ritsumeikan University, Japan Spoke about "Upward Directed Manipulator on an Aerial Robot for High Altitude Application" was arranged for interested students and Staff. 31 August 2017 40 Mr. Hannibal Paul (Alumnus 2016 batch)
Technical Talk on "Digital Filter Design" was arranged from 2.30 - 4.00PM at Sambhram Auditorium especially for 3rd and 5th semester Students. 12 September 2017 212 Dr. S. N. Iyer (Adjunct Professor NMAMIT Nitte)
Technical Talk on "Signals and their Convolutions" was arranged from 2.30 - 3.30PM at Sambhram Auditorium especially for 5th semester Students. 13 September 2017 178 Dr. S. N. Iyer (Adjunct Professor NMAMIT Nitte)
ELECSA organized a workshop on "Arduino Made Simple" for interested 3rd and 5th semester Students. 20 September 2017 181 Mr. Pradhyumna G. R. Assitant Professor Dept.of ECE NMAMIT Nitte
ELECSA organized a workshop on "PCB​ ​DESIGN​ ​AND​ ​FABRICATION" for interested 3rd and 5th semester Students. 20 September 2017 181 Mr. Pradhyumna G. R. Assitant Professor Dept.of ECE NMAMIT Nitte
ELECSA organized a workshop on "PCB​ ​DESIGN​ ​AND​ ​FABRICATION" for interested 3rd and 5th semester Students. 23 September 2017 245 Mr. Basti Bharath Shenoy Alumunus
ELECSA organized a workshop on "MSP 430 LAUNCHPAD" for interested 5th semester Students. 3 October 2017 156 Mr. Dileep Kumar MJ Assitant Professor Dept.of ECE NMAMIT Nitte
ELECSA organized a workshop on "PIC Microcontroller" for interested 5th semester Students. 31 October 2017 172 Dr. Ansal V. Assitant Professor Dept.of ECE NMAMIT Nitte
ELECSA organized a workshop on "AVR Microcontroller" for interested 5th semester Students. 31 October 2017 165 Mr. Anil Kumar Bhat Assitant Professor Dept.of ECE NMAMIT Nitte
Technical Talk on "Training and Learning Communication Engineering Concepts using Simulink and SDR" was arranged on from 11.00 - 4.00PM at Sambhram Auditorium especially for 5th semester Students. 29 August 2018 203 Dr. Prashanth Kumar H Asst. Prof, ECE Dept. NITK Suratkal
ELECSA had organised a talk on "Agricultural Robotics" by our alumnus 29 September 2018 214 Mr. Prajwal V Kumar , Techno Entrepreneur CEO and Co-founder for Mangalore Robautonics Pvt ltd, Mangalore.
ELECSA organized a workshop jointly with BITES on "Embedded System design and IoT design" for 3 days on for interested 5th semester Students. 22 - 24 October 2018 168 Mr. Saraguer Narshimhan , BITES
Technical Talk by on "Talk on C++ & DataStructures " was arranged on from 11.00 - 4.00PM at Shambhavi Auditorium especially for 5th semester Students 26 October 2018 159 Mr. Santhosh c Rao ,Technical Lead, Indecomm Global Services.
ELECSA organized a workshop on "Linux for Embedded System" for interested 5th semester Students 31 October 2018 166 Mrs. Ashwini Venugopal, Associate Prof., Dept OF ISE, and NMAMIT Nitte
ELECSA organized a workshop on "PCB​ ​Design​ ​And Soldering " for interested 3rd semester Students. 4 September 2018 184 Dr. Ansal V, Mr. Adarsh Shetty, Mr.Bhuvanesh K
An interactive session titled "My Journey from Student to Professional" has been arranged with our alumnus 15 January 2019 108 Mr. Sambhav Pai, Application Engineer, ARM Technologies
A Technical Talk on "Engineering Subjects and their application in the field of VLSI" has been arranged with our alumnus. 16 January 2019 124 Mr. Rakshith D, NXP semiconductors, USA
A Talk on "GATE – Opportunities and Scope of Higher studies" 17 January 2019 194 Mr. Ananth Pai, Founder of APEX GATE institute, Mangalore
ELECSA organized a Talk on Higher Studies was arranged from 2.00 - 4.00PM at Sowparnika seminar hall especially for 5th and 7th semester Students. 21 August 2019 159 T.I.M.E
ELECSA organized a workshop on "PCB​ ​Workshop" for interested 3rd semester Students 23 October 2019 28 Dr. Ansal V. Assitant Professor Dept.of ECE NMAMIT Nitte
Technical talk on "Recent Advancements in Machine learning" 23 October 2019 98 Mr. Abhishek Appaji, Asst. Prof. BMSCE



College Algebra in Context 5th Edition Chapter 2 Extended Applications
