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How NASA Astronaut and Father Leroy Chiao is Raising His Kids

Look back along it now, Leroy Chiao isn't sure he should sustain had children. He's willing he did. But still. He's seen some scarf ou.

Specifically, he's seen Earthly concern from orbit. He served as the commander of the Internationalistic Infinite Place in 2004, afterward his children were born, and came to a hard realization: Earth is dying.  "Humankind is doomed," atomic number 2 explains in even whole tone. "The question is how quickly." Helium identifies the important issue as overpopulation, which make him and his children part of the job (though, always the scientist he notes he solitary has replacement floor kids and International Relations and Security Network't adding to the come number of humanity). Talking to Chaio, it's clear atomic number 2's comfortable alternating quickly between thinking on an alienatingly long-snouted timescale and picking up the kids from school. It's an efficacious bit of compartmentalization. Fathers every could check a lot from Chiao's honesty.

Dr. Chiao responded to the Fatherly Questionnairefrom his range in Houston.

What is your name?
Leroy Chiao

I'm a former NASA astronaut and International Space Post commander. Straightaway I'm the cofounder and CEO of a ship's company called One Orbit. We do corporal keynotes, training and also education programs for students.


How old are your children?
My kids are 10 days old. They are twins, a boy and a girl.

What are their name calling?
Henry and Caroline.

Are they named after anyone particularly?
Caroline is named subsequently my wife's mother, Carol. There's no Henry in either of our families, only it's a name we reasonable liked. Caroline's mediate name is Cornelia after my wife's favorite grandfather, Cornelius .Henry's middle discover it Taoist Ching which is a combination of my bring up's first names in Chinese. My father's name was Tsu Tao; my mother's name was Ching. Her English nominate was Cherry.

Do you accept any cute nicknames for your kids?
Caroline we call her Mei Japanese apricot, which is Formosan for "younger sister." William Henry has fewer nicknames. I call him Buddy. He's my Buddy.

leroy chiao

What do they predict you?
They call Pine Tree State Daddy, either in English or in Formosan, which is 爸爸. It sounds like BáBá.

How often do you see them?
When I'm in town, I see them informal. But on any apt twelvemonth, I'm travelling about someplace around 30 percent of the time.

Describe yourself as a father in three dustup.
Consecrated, loving, and supportive.

Describe your Church Father in three quarrel.
Encouraging, influential, and practical.

What are your strengths as a father?
I love my kids unconditionally and I'm able to offer really good practical direction.

What are your weaknesses as a father? Relatedly, what are your biggest regrets?
I don't have any big declination equally a beget…OR nearly anything. I am a bit of a softie with my daughter but my wife is the tough poke fu.

What is your preferred activity to do with your children that is your father/daughter, father/boy thing?
In Sam Houston, where we live, in that respect's overmuch light pollution and No mountains so stargazing is out of the interrogative.  Recently they have enlightened how to hinge upon bicycles. One of my favorite things recently has been expiration out with them to ride bikes. I go run and they ride their bikes with Maine.

What has been the moment you were most proud of as a parent and why?
The day they were born was probably the most awing 24-hour interval of my life. They hadn't through with anything yet but I was very proud them. Having my kids was the profound affair that's ever so happened in my life, much more significant than flying in space.

leroy chiao

What heirloom did your bring forth give to you if any?
My father was a very practical person.  He leftover China with pretty much nothing and atomic number 2's never been a textile person. Helium's never had any jewelry, leave out for wristwatches, but justified those weren't especial to him. But his biggest gift to me was teaching me the rigor of thinking things through and organism reasonable and system of logic.

What heirloom exercise you wishing to leave for your children, if anything?
My wife Karena and I are both raising them with an stress on character. We are education them the importance of being good people, forgiving to others, being good citizens, helping other people. That's the important thing we derriere leave behind for them. As far as physical heirlooms, I'm certainly going to leave things from my space-life story adventures with them. Things like my wristwatches, items I have carried into distance. I have some gloves from doing spacewalks in Russian space suits. The Russians actually Army of the Righteou you keep your gloves. I don't rich person anything from the Earth program since they make you return everything. The one exception is that I take up my gold cosmonaut PIN and a space decoration. I had to invite those besides.  They get off you a bill.

Describe the dad special for dinner.
They really love when I make bacon. They call it "Daddy Bacon." They also have intercourse it when I grill steaks. They call them "Daddy steaks." I marinate them with approximately soy and other spices connected the grill. They besides love it when I build veal picata and Italian rice. That's their favourite things I nominate.

Are you religious and are you raising your kids in that custom?
I am nobelium religious. I've sure been exposed to and looked into different kinds of unionised religion when I was jr.. I've all over that I'm not a religious person, simply that doesn't mean that I'm not spiritual. There is some tolerant of order to the universe.. As far atomic number 3 my kids go, they have been exposed to religions. For a while we had them in Mortal school and a Presbyterian church. Right today they're in a Methodist school. We want to expose them to different kinds of experiences.

What is a mistake you make growing awake that you wishing to ensure your children make out not repeat?
 I was always very unplayful, probably because of my sire. I was always a very serious student, just perchance I didn't have as much fun as I should have when I was younger. Peradventur I didn't take sufficiency time, especially during my university years, to enjoy things a smaller more. I would lack my kids to enjoy things a little more when they are younger.

Besides saying it, how do you LET your kids know that you passion them?
This is something that is in reality quite important to me. My father was very much an authoritarian figure, very rigid and unemotional. My overprotect's family was much many warm. My sister told me that when I was five old age old, my father sat me down and told me I was a boastful boy and that I shouldn't hug or kiss my mother anymore. From that point on, I never did.  Thusly I tend to overcompensate a little as a father now. If I see my kids,  I'm always hugging them and kissing them on the pinch of the head.
