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Colotomy Surgery Recovery Diet Healthy Natural Vegetarian

Little Changes That Help You Live Longer


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Little Changes That Help You Live Longer

It's a rare person who can reinvent her health habits overnight. And the quick changes aren't usually the ones that last. It's infinitely more manageable to make little tweaks—which can add up to a big difference. Try one of these each week and soon you'll be living healthier for good!

Instead of a bagel with butter for breakfast, try scrambled eggs on whole-wheat toast


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Instead of a bagel with butter for breakfast, try scrambled eggs on whole-wheat toast

This fill-you-up breakfast won't fill you out. More and more research is showing that people who include p

Instead of a steak dinner, try going meatless one or two nights a week


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Instead of a steak dinner, try going meatless one or two nights a week

You'll save calories, and it's a great way to introduce aspects of the Mediterranean diet (which is typically high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains like barley and lentils, nuts, seeds and olive oil, with some dairy, fish and poultry

Instead of staying up late to watch Letterman, try calling a friend before you call it a night


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Instead of staying up late to watch Letterman, try calling a friend before you call it a night

Swapping channel surfing for a brief chat can have a positive impact on your mood and your waistline. A recent 35-year analysis of nearly 45,000 adults found that unhappy people watched about 20% more television than their more up

Instead of chicken, try fish


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Instead of chicken, try fish

"People who eat fish twice a week have a 20% lower risk of dying prematurely, according to a large body of research," says Eric Rimm, ScD, associate professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health. Omega-3

Instead of ice cream for dessert, try yogurt with fresh fruit and honey


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Instead of ice cream for dessert, try yogurt with fresh fruit and honey

Another calorie-and-fat saver (½ cup plain nonfat yogurt with ½ cup blueberries and 1 tsp honey runs about 120 calories and almost no fat, while ½ cup of ice cream has 145 calories and 7 grams of fat). And you'll be helping your stoma

Instead of drinking diet soda, try sipping green tea


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Instead of drinking diet soda, try sipping green tea

Green tea is a nutritional powerhouse that's been linked to everything from a lower risk of heart disease and cancer to helpi

Instead of driving to do your errands, try using your own two feet to get around


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Instead of driving to do your errands, try using your own two feet to get around

If it's sunny, you'll not only burn more calories (about 115 calories walking for 30 minutes at a moderate pace), you'll also get an additional dose of vitamin D; sun exposure prompts your body to make vitamin D, and experts say this is

Instead of sitting to talk on the phone, try standing up to chat


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Instead of sitting to talk on the phone, try standing up to chat

You can burn up to 40% more calories and lower your risk of gaining weight. One study found that obese women sit for 2½ hours more than their leaner peers. Other easy ways to work in more standing time: Forgo the bleachers to stand on t

Instead of beating the 3 p.m. slump with a cup of coffee, try going for a walk


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Instead of beating the 3 p.m. slump with a cup of coffee, try going for a walk

Studies have shown that a brisk 10-minute walk can significantly boost energy levels for hours (not to mention help you rack up the 30 minutes of daily exercise that the CDC recommends getting 5 days a week to reduce your risk of obesity

Instead of going to the doctor empty-handed, try getting the first appointment of the day and coming


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Instead of going to the doctor empty-handed, try getting the first appointment of the day and coming

You'll lower your chances of a long wait and make the most of the time you do have with your doctor. Come with two copies of your questi

Instead of diving into your favorite candy or cake when you're stressed, try deep breathing


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Instead of diving into your favorite candy or cake when you're stressed, try deep breathing

Taking just a few long, slow breaths from your diaphragm (not your chest; concentrate on inhaling from your stomach) goes a long way in helping you relax. Studies have shown that deep breathing can lower blood pressure; it also releases

Instead of milk chocolate, try dark chocolate


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Instead of milk chocolate, try dark chocolate

Feel good about your chocolate fixation. Dark chocolate contains loads of phytochemicals called flavonoids, which may help improve heart health, lower blood pressure, increase HDL ("good") cholesterol and lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol. L

Instead of exercising by taking a half-hour stroll, try doing intervals


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Instead of exercising by taking a half-hour stroll, try doing intervals

Intervals—periodic bursts of exercising intensely followed by a brief recovery—are one of the best ways to burn calories and fat. One recent study showed that people who worked intervals into their exercise routines burned 36% more f

Colotomy Surgery Recovery Diet Healthy Natural Vegetarian
